At The Table: The Three Tiers Of Gamers In Tabletop RPGs

Last week we had our first game of the Dragon Age RPG by Green Ronin Games. We’d been planning the game for a few weeks, intending to run through their free Quickstart adventure to decide whether or not we wanted to start a regular game, and finally managed to get our players around the table to venture forth into the realm of Ferelden. It was only while sitting around the table that I realised we had essentially gathered representatives of what I like to think are the three core groups of gamers found in your standard RP group.

Numbers of these particular members can vary from group to group, and their exact experience with the game can fluctuate. But having a grasp on the kind of gamers you can expect in your groups will help any prospective new GM in planning and preparing their game sessions.

So, grab a coffee and get comfy, while I introduce you to The Three Tiers Of Gamers In RPGs.

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Jay-Z and Obama: Potential BFFs?

So, Barack Obama came out (pun intended) recently saying he supported equal marriage rights for gay couples.

Not long after, prolific rap artist Jay-Z also announced his support for gay marriage, citing it as an issue that “was still holding the country back.”

Only a few days before, the rapper announced that he wanted to invite the President to perform at the Budweiser Made In America festival, which he was hosting.

Speaking to Rolling Stone, he said “I’m gonna give him a call and I’m gonna try to get him to perform – do a little rendition of Al Green – but I doubt it.”

Seriously, I think our Jay might have a bit of a bro crush going on.

I mean, its sweet and all, but does it strike anyone else as being a bit… creepy?

Cross posted from the Pure Tunes blog.

Taylor Momsen: “Marilyn Manson told me to worship Satan”

Taylor Momsen has joked in an interview with Kerrang magazine that Marilyn Manson told her to “worship Satan.”

Note the use of the word “joked” here.

Momsen, who is on tour supporting Manson, said that she had to make some sacrifices in order to play the tour.

“Sacrifices!” I hear you yell. “You mean, like, human sacrifices cause she worships Satan and such?”

No, I mean she had to cancel a few of her own tour dates to get the slot.

Seriously, though. The Satan thing was the headline of the story when I read it.

It really let me down after that…

Cross posted from the Pure Tunes blog.

Iranian cleric calls for killing of “apostate” rap artist

The fact that I can still regularly find these kind of stories in the god damn 21st Century is far too ridiculous to mention.

A Shi’ite cleric based in Qom, Iran, has issued a death sentence against rapper Shahin Najafi this week, on the charge of apostasy.

This is due to a song he released entitled “Naqi” which is, apparently, a reference to Imam Naqi, the tenth Imam of Shi’ite Islam.

For those who are unsure of what apostasy entails, wikipedia defines it as “the formal disaffiliation from or abandonment or renunciation of a religion by a person.”

Now, I’ve been unable to find the track in question, and, it being in Persian anyway, I can’t really make a judgement as to whether or not this song is particularly blasphemous or offensive or whatever.

But come on guys. I mean, really? In this day and age?

Please guys, no one throw any stones just yet… not even if someone says Jehovah, ok?

Cross posted from the Pure Tune blog.

Will Young’s “Evergreen” biggest selling single of 21st Century. World promptly ends.

So, we’re 12 years in to the new century, and already I’m rooting for Armageddon.

Lets look at the scores as they stand just now. Tories in government, a double dip recession, a ton of dead rockstars and still no sign of Half Life: Episode 3 (I mean, seriously, Gabe, get on to that, kthx) or a crowdfunded second season of Firefly (Joss, lets get together on this one. I’ve got somebrilliant ideas…)

But lets top it off with this little bombshell.

Will Young’s cover of “Evergreen” is currently the biggest selling single of the 21st Century.

His first single.

From 2002.

Sold 1.8 million copies.

OK, so for starters, its not even the worst song in the top 10. All the usual offenders are there: Adele, Black Eyed Peas, even Kings of Leon get a shout.

And to be fair, its not that bad a song.

But its just so tame. So timid and flat and boring and inoffensive. Much like the rest of his career.

Apologies in advance for the somewhat gender specific nature of the following comment, but does anyone remember when music in the charts at least had some cajones!?

So, if anyone spots any of the four horsemen rattling around, let me know. I’m preparing the end of the world street party as we speak…

Cross posted from the Pure Tunes blog.

Barr/Nelson for the White House

So, here’s a thing that happened.

Roseanne Barr has filed all the necessary documents to stand as the presidential nominee for the Green Party in the US.

Speaking on Twitter, Barr had said she’d be announcing her running mate at a debate in San Francisco a few days later.

Her preferred candidate?

Oh, no one special. Just some obscure country singer. Guy called Willie Nelson.

Yes, Willie Nelson.

The red headed stranger.

Yeah, that Willie Nelson!

Nelson eventually declined the offer via twitter, but wished Barr all the best for her campaign.

Seriously, though. You couldn’t make this shit up.

In all honesty, speaking as a non-American who really has nothing to do with it, that’s the one ticket that would make me vote against Obama.

(I mean, can you imagine their policies!?)

Cross posted from the Pure Tunes blog.

Short Message Service

The message woke him up at 2.34am, the vibration surging through his pillow. Groggily, he reached for his phone, a look of confusion setting over his face as he read the text on his screen.

“Hey. I’m bored and can’t sleep. What can I do?x”


So begins my new short story, Short Message Service. I’ve entered it into a competition over at BigWowWeeBooks, so please go over and check it out!